姓名: 王峥峰
研究方向: 分子生态学、群落生态学
职称: 研究员 博士生导师
2004.9 -至今
美国乔治亚大学(The University of Georgia)访问学者。
瑞典于默奥大学(the University of Umeå)访问学者。
1. 2005年研究成果“全球变化与农业生态系统相互作用研究”获广东省科学技术奖一等奖(排名第9)。广东省人民政府
2. 2012年研究成果“华南珍稀濒危植物的野外回归研究与应用”获广东省环境保护科学技术奖一等奖(排名第10)。广东省环境保护厅
3. 2013年研究成果“华南珍稀濒危植物的野外回归研究与应用”获广东省科学技术一等奖(排名第10)。广东省人民政府
Wang ZF, Lian JY, Ye WH, Cao HL, Zhang QM, Wang ZM. Pollen and seed flow under different predominant winds in wind-pollinated and wind-dispersed species Engelhardia roxburghiana. Tree genetics & Genome, 2016, 12: 19
Wang ZF, Zhang M, Jian SG. The Limitation of Genetic Diversity Conservation in Botanical Gardens: A Case Study of Endangered Species Cycas hainanensis. pp. 85-102. In: Melinda Quinn (ed.) Endangered Species: Threats, Conservation and Future Research. Nova publication. 2016
Wang ZF, Lian JY, Ye WH, Cao HL, Wang ZM. The spatial genetic pattern of Castanopsis chinensis in a large forest plot with complex topography. Forest Ecology and Management, 2014, 318: 318-325
Wang ZF, Ren H, Li ZC,Zhang QM, Liang KM, Ye WH, Wang ZM. Local genetic structure in the critically endangered, cave-associated perennial herb Primulina tabacum (Gesneriaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109: 747-756
Wang ZF, Lian JY, HuangGM, Ye WH, Cao HL,Wang ZM. Genetic groups in the common plant species Castanopsis chinensis and their associations with topographic habitats. Oikos, 2012, 121: 2044-2051
Wang ZF , Ren H, Zhang QM, Ye WH, Liang KM, Li ZC. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Primulina tabacum, acritically endangered perennial herb. Conservation Genetics, 2009, 10: 1433-1435
Wang ZF, Zhu P, Ye WH. Development and characterization of 13 microsatellite markers for Cryptocarya concinnain lower subtropical
Wang ZF, Ye WH, Cao HL, Li ZC, Peng S L. Identification and characterization of EST-SSRs and cpSSRs in endangered Cycas hainanensis. Conservation Genetics, 2008, 9: 1079-1081
Wang ZF, Ye WH, Fu SL, Ren H, Peng SL.Microsatellites reveal unexpected clonal growth and genetically distinct groups in Cryptocarya chinensis in fragmented lower subtropical forest,
Wang ZF, Li G, Fu SL, Ren H. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Cryptocarya chinensis in lower subtropical
Wang ZF, Hamrick JL, Godt MJW. High genetic diversity in Sarracenia leucophylla (Sarraceniaceae), a carnivorous wetland herb. Journal of Heredity, 2004, 95: 234-243
Wang ZF, Peng SL, Liu SZ, Li Z. Spatial pattern of Cryptocarya chinensis life stages in lower subtropical forest, China.Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 2003, 44: 159-166
Chen WS, Zhao G, Jian SG (Correspondingauthor), Wang ZF(Corresponding author). Development of microsatellite markers for Suriana maritima (Surianaceae) using next-generation sequencing technology. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015,14(4): 14115-14118
Wang F,Wang ZF(Corresponding author), Ye WH, Liang Y, Ma KP(Corresponding author). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci inanendemic species Styrax odoratissimus (Styracaceae) in subtropical forests. Conservation Genetic Resources, 2014, 6:579-580
Zhang DD, Luo P, Chen Y, Wang ZF(Corresponding author), Ye WH, Cao HL. Isolation and characterizationof 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers in Engelhardia roxburghiana (Juglandaceae). Silvae Genetica, 2014, 63(3):109-112
He J, Li X Y, Gao DD, Zhu P, Wang ZF(Corresponding author), Wang ZM, Ye WH, Cao HL. Topographic effects on fine-scale spatial genetic structure in Castanopsis chinensis Hance (Fagaceae). Plant Species Biology, 2013, 28: 87-93
Zhu P, Wang ZF(Correspondingauthor),Ye WH, Cao HL. Maintenance of genetic diversity in a small, isolated population of ancient tree Erythrophleum fordii. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2013, 51: 722-730
Niu HY, Ye WH, Wang ZF(Correspondingauthor), Chen Y, Cao HL,Wu LF, Wang ZM. Development and characterization of 16 new polymorphic microsatellite loci for Schima superba (Theaceae). Silvae Genetica, 2013,62: 124-127
Niu HY, Li XY, Ye WH, Wang ZF(Corresponding author), Cao HL(Correspondingauthor), Wang ZM. Isolation and characterization of 36 polymorphic microsatellite markers in Schima superba (Theaceae). American Journal of Botany, 2012:e123-e126
Dong L, Wang ZF(Corresponding author), Zhu P, Ye WH. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Castanopsis fissa in lower subtropical
Zhu P, Ye WH, WangZF(Corresponding author), Cao HL,Zhang M, Li L, Xiao W. Isolation and characterization of ten polymorphic microsatellite in the endangered tree Erythrophleum fordii oliv. Conservation Genetics, 2009, 10:1017-1019
Zhang M, Wang ZF(Corresponding author), Jian SG, Ye WH, Cao HL,Zhu P, Li L. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Cycas hainanensis C. J. Chen. Conservation Genetics.2009, 10: 1175-1176
Li L, Wang ZF(Corresponding author), Jian SG(Corresponding author), Zhu P, ZhangM, Ye WH, Ren H. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci inendangered Cycas changjiangensis (Cycadaceae). Conservation Genetics, 2009, 10: 793-795
王峥峰, 葛学军. 不仅仅是遗传多样性: 植物保护遗传学进展. 生物多样性, 2009, 17: 330-339
王峥峰, 傅声雷, 任海, 彭少麟. 近交衰退: 我们检测到了吗?生态学杂志, 2007, 26: 245-252
王峥峰, 高三红, Mary Jo W. Godt, 彭少麟, 傅声雷. Cryptocarya chinensis spatial patterns caused by human disturbance in the lower subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest. 生态学报, 2005, 25: 3289-3293
王峥峰, 彭少麟, 任海 (2005) 小种群的遗传变异和近交衰退. 植物遗传资源学报, 6(1): 101-107
王峥峰, 彭少麟. 植物保护遗传学. 生态学报, 2003, 23(1): 158-172
王峥峰, 彭少麟. 杂交产生的遗传危害-以植物为例. 生物多样性, 2003, 11(4): 333-339
王峥峰, 张军丽, 李鸣光, 王伯荪, 何兴金, 彭少麟. Advances of plant molecular Ecology (I)—Phylogeography, alien species, conservation genetics and others. 植物学通报, 2002, 19(1): 1-10
王峥峰, 张军丽, 李鸣光, 王伯荪, 何兴金, 彭少麟. Advances of plant molecular Ecology (II) —genetic structure and hybridization. 植物学通报, 2001, 18(6): 635-642
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